Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6, 2013- Slime Ball (variation)

Equipment: assorted foam balls (about 20-25)

Ages: K-5

Number one rule: Slime (the balls) stays on the ground!  Students run and hit the balls with an open hand to try and "slime" their classmates.  A person is slimed if they are hit in the foot by a slime ball.  When they are "slimed" they must go outside of a basketball court or to a designated area.  Once there they are given an exercise- 5 jumping jacks, 3 pushups, 10 sit ups, etc.  Once students finish their exercise they can come back into the game.  Many students ask if they accidently hit a ball are they still required to do their exercise?  I tell them that if they are hit in the foot any way they must complete their exercise.

Variation: Have different colored balls mean different exercises ex: Green= 3 pushups, Yellow= 5 jumping jacks, etc.
This game is usually played "every man for himself" but can also be played as teams.

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