Friday, March 9, 2012

March 9, 2012- Chain Tag

Start with one person as "it".  When that person tags another students, they must hold hands.  Those two have created a chain.  The chain then chases around the other students.  As students keep getting tagged, they join the chain.  Stop the game after a few minutes or after most students are tagged.  Safety is very important in this game.  Tell the students if they need to let go that is ok, as long as they form the chain again before they start moving.

AGES: 2nd grade and up

MODIFICATIONS: have students skip or jump (or any other locomotor movement) instead of running to make it safer.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March 8, 2012- Crossfire

Crossfire can be a throwing or kicking game.  I usually use this as a kicking activity.  Split students into two teams.  Set up a line of cones along the basketaball basline on both sides.  Line 3 balls (make sure they are a different color/shape/size/ than all other balls).  The object is for students to kick balls at the 3 different balls and get them to move across the other team's line.  THEY MAY NOT DIRECTLY TOUCH THE 3 DIFFERENT BALLS IN ANY WAY.  They must kick from behind their own line, but may retrieve balls from the middle.  If anyone retrieves the different balls on accident, their team loses a point.  First team to 2 points wins.  When the game is over, set the balls in the middle and play again.

AGES: 3rd grade and up

EQUIPMENT: soft foam/ dodgeballs (make sure three are a different color/shape/size), enough cones to make a line on the basketball baseline.

MODIFICATIONS: this game can be done throwing or kicking.  Do boys vs. girls. 

Friday, March 2, 2012

March 2, 2012- Everybody's It

Everybody's It is a quick tag game you can do at the beginning or the end of a class as a filler.  Let the students know that EVERYBODY is it.  When they tag someone, the person that gets tagged must do 3 jumping jacks, then they can return to tagging others.  If students tag each other at the same time, they both have 3 jumping jacks, then they can return to tagging.  Games of Everybody's It are very short because the students are running or jumping constantly.  Play for about a minute or two, give them a little break, then go again.

AGES: Kindergarten and up

SAFETY: Make sure the students understand the difference between a tag and a push.  Pushing results in sitting out.